- Target:
- Kofi Annan and World Leaders
- Region:
- Website:
- www.saveourearth.co.uk
This petition is now closed.
We are campaigning to save the remaining Rainforests of the world from being destroyed. With this petition and your signature, which will make a difference, we will show the governments of the world that they can no longer ignore the growing problems that are facing the Earth. Without the lungs of this planet global warming will be a very serious issue with which we shall have a point of no return in the coming future.
Some governments are not taking the necessary steps to ensure the welfare of this planet and its inhabitants and some may not realise the importance of the rainforests to the world at large.
So what is so important about the Rainforests? Trees themselves suck up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then release oxygen, whereas we in turn as humans do the opposite we breathe in the oxygen and release carbon dioxide, with an ever increasing population we need the trees to balance human activity.
The major contributors to global warming are fossil fuels releasing carbon dioxide, fossil fuels are omitted from cars, lorries, planes, and anything that uses combustion. It is reported by scientists in the last 450,000 years, carbon dioxide has not risen as much as it has since the Industrial revolution
The importance of the Rainforests are their positioning, placed within the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn they lie on the Equator which receives the most sun.
With the trees not being destroyed carbon dioxide is absorbed, oxygen is released and the sun's rays can bounce back into space because of lower levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But even in this ideal situation all countries have to reduce their CO2 emissions.
With the Rainforests destroyed, oxygen is not released and carbon dioxide is not absorbed leading to higher levels of this gas in the atmosphere. The sun's rays then hit the Earth and cannot bounce back into space due to these high levels, thereby heating the Earth which also has an effect on the inside of the Earth.
Due to this destruction and global warming, the weather patterns are changing and becoming more irregular and more severe.
Please sign our petition. We don't want our children and their children's life to be determined by people with closed minds. We have to think ahead to the next seven generations.
As our forefathers fought for our freedom it is our turn to secure the future for the coming generations.
Please see our web site below
Picture from www.rainforestjukebox.org
We, the undersigned, are actively coming together as one voice in order to show the few that the many care about our home planet, and in caring for our environment we demand that the saving of the Rainforests be of the utmost importance.
Our reasons being that without the protection of the lungs of the Earth, OUR PLANET WILL NOT SURVIVE.
The A Campaign to save the Rainforests petition to Kofi Annan and World Leaders was written by Denise Tansley and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.