- Target:
- UNIVERSAL e Island Records
- Region:
Thanks to everyone who signed the petiton but we didn't make it for this year. Maybe next tour!
Svi fanovi najboljeg benda na svijetu BON JOVI čekaju na njihov koncert u Hrvatskoj. Mnogi od njih nemaju mogućnosti otići na koncert u drugu državu pa stoga želimo da Bon Jovi dođe u Hrvatsku 2008.!!
All fans of the best bend in the world BON JOVI are waiting for their concert in Croatia. Many of them don't have opportunities to go to other country so we want to Bon Jovi come to Croatia in 2008!!
Svi mi fanovi koji ćemo se potpisati želimo da bend BON JOVI održe koncert u sklopu LOST HIGHWAY turneje u Hrvatskoj 2008. godine!
We, the undersigned, want BON JOVI LOST HIGHWAY TOUR IN CROATIA 2008!
The Bon Jovi U Hrvatskoj 2008 - Lost Highway Tour petition to UNIVERSAL e Island Records was written by Bon Jovi fan and is in the category Music at GoPetition.