Massachusetts Legislature
United States of America

The coronavirus pandemic has made it clear: legislators must listen to the science and move proactively to prevent disaster. Massachusetts politicians must match their extraordinary leadership on COVID-19 with unprecedented climate action to protect future generations and give us the financial security we need today.

We call on the legislature to pass legislation in 2020 that:
1. Commits Massachusetts to zero greenhouse gas emissions by or before 2050, with 50% reduction by 2030.
2. Funds our transition to a green economy with corporate polluter fees along with investments and rebates that give money directly to low and moderate-income people.
3. Protects low-income people and people of color.

We call on you to pass strong climate legislation before the end of 2020 that:

1. Commits Massachusetts to zero greenhouse gas emissions by or before 2050, with 50% reduction by 2030 (closest legislation: H.2836, H3983)

2. Funds our transition to a green economy with corporate polluter fees along with investments and rebates that give money directly to low and moderate-income people (closest legislation: H.2810)

3. Protects low-income people and people of color (closest legislation: H.4264)

To learn more about …

H.2836 “100% Renewable energy”: https://tinyurl.com/y7ofztr5
H.3983 “2050 Roadmap": https://tinyurl.com/yc23wgcg
H.2810 “Polluter fee, invest and rebate”: https://tinyurl.com/ybawavp6

The Massachusetts Strong: Pass Strong Climate Legislation in 2020 to Build Back Better! petition to Massachusetts Legislature was written by Hilary Davis and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.