- Target:
- Rhode Island Parole Board & Sex Offender Unit
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
A warm heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to all my family, friends, acquaintances & citizens from all over the world for all your concerned letters written to the RI Parole board, signing of our petitions, joining us in the rally and most but not least, showing my family & myself a tremendous amount of love and support.
Again.... Thanks to each and everyone of you, our words were heard, we finally "Broke The Silence" & Parole was DENIED on October 22, 2012. Again.... Thank you <3
Elizabeth (Medeiros) Rivera
RE: Frank Moniz Case ID: P1-1990-3261A
On July 27, 1992 Frank Moniz was sentinced to Life in Prison with the possibility of parole for one of the cruelest murders on Rhode Islands record, for the murder of his estranged wife Marellen Medeiros on August 20, 1990. She was just 24 years old.
You may not know me but my name is Elizabeth (Medeiros) Rivera, I am one of Maryellen's sisters. Five years ago, Frank Moniz's case was reviewed for possible parole for the first time. We as a family, fought for his continuence to stay incarcerated. The parole board at the time reviewed his case and noted to extend his stay at the ACI. Now, once again the time has come for my family as well as myself to fight and speak out on behalf of family, friends, concerned citizens and for my late sister Maryellen to keep Frank Moniz from being given the possibility of parole on October 22, 2012. It is in everyone's best interest, to keep this man Frank Moniz incarcerated for the remainder of his natural life.
I truely believe that Frank Moniz has no remorse for his actions that took place on that day in August of 1990. Frank Moniz, premeditated going to Maryellens apartment house with nothing but "MURDER" on his mind. Frank Moniz proceeded to ring Maryellens door bell at her apartment and tell her that she had mail so she would let him in. As Maryellen proceeded to open the hallway door, her estranged husband took out a knife that he hid in a bag under his arm and began stabbing defenseless Maryellen over 50 times with a nine inch kitchen knife. Frank Moniz stabbed Maryellens back, legs, face, chest, arms and hands. These stab wounds that he so inflicted were of such force that some wounds were with bruising. However, with Maryellen being athletic in stature, attempted to give back the fight for her life. Her hands had "Defence Wounds", wounds that showed she put up a fight, but there was no winning when your fighting with a savage beast like Frank Moniz holding a knife. Dear God, One can only imagine what was going through Maryellen's mind as she laid there bleeding and fighting for her life.
So you see, it is my opinion and fear (as also for many of us) is that if this Monster named Frank Moniz was to be released, that he would attempt, once again, to contact my parents. Even if he was to move out of state, the fear would still be present for they still have the same phone number and address for over 50 years now.
Please, please help us keep Frank Moniz incarcerated. Help us make sure that he can not and will not do this to another family ever again. Frank Moniz has no regard for life, love or family. He places no values on life for if he did, Maryellen would still be here with us today with possible children of her own but that too was all taken away by him, as he left her lying there to die... He called her his "LOVE"...I don't think so! I can not imagine Frank Moniz being an asset to our society. He has proven nothing but how heartless and dangerous he really is.
Thank you for your assistance and support,
Elizabeth (Medeiros) Rivera, family, friends and concerned citizens.
We, the undersigned, call on the Rhode Island Parole Board & Sex Offender Unit to deny the parole request of Frank Moniz Case ID: P1-1990-3261A.
The Deny Parole of a Murderer - Frank Moniz petition to Rhode Island Parole Board & Sex Offender Unit was written by Elizabeth Rivera and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.