- Target:
- To: Philip Carr-Gomm, Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD)
- Region:
- Website:
- druidry.org
This is late coming, but thanks to everyone who supported the petition. I donlt know what lasting effect it will have on the online OBOD community, but I hope it opened the lines of communication and offered people some choices.
Letter of Concern regarding suggestions to restore fair and harmonious communications to the DHP.
We, the Undersigned Members of The OBOD, wish to express our concern regarding a perceived imbalance in fair and harmonious communication within the community, particularly on the official OBOD Message Board, The Druid's Head Pub (DHP).
Since its inception in 2003, the DHP has grown in size and importance to become one of the premiere tools of communication for the International OBOD community. The DHP is also an important introduction for non-members to explore what the OBOD has to offer and interact with members.
The Undersigned feel the mood of the DHP has moved from one of harmony to one of discord. We wish to restore the sense of trust, fellowship and open communication that characterizes the International OBOD community. In this spirit, we recommend the following:
The Undersigned (and any OBOD Member wishing to participate) will elect, through online polling, 3 members who will act as "Member's Advocates". Their role will be to monitor board activities, document Member's concerns and advocate for Members with the DHP Administration.
We request:
- Access to the Moderator's forum for the Member's Advocates.
- A "moderation free" member's forum where fellow OBOD members can openly discuss and debate topics without fear of having posts edited, threads locked or deleted or ideas censored. This area would operate under the philosophy that Members are mature, responsible adults capable of self management and setting voluntary community standards.
- A process for dispute settlement between members and DHP Administration.
We hope that these recommendations will help restore a sense of balance and trust within the OBOD on-line community.
We place our concerns with you, with the understanding that those who have signed their names below are willing to work in a spirit of love and caring for the OBOD with the hope of strengthening the online OBOD community.
In Peace,
The Undersigned
The DHP Letter of Concern petition to To: Philip Carr-Gomm, Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) was written by Anonymous and is in the category Forums at GoPetition.