End The Theory of Evolution as the only Truth of Origin
- Closed on

- Target:
- US Senate and the House of Representatives
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
I want to thank all supporters and say your message was heard in Washington and I encourage you to start a petition for your individual states because it will come down to States' Rights.
In the meantime please support the following petition:
End The Theory of Evolution as the only Truth in Florida Public Schools Petition
We as Patriotic Americans have a Constitution that together We stand indivisible in Truth and Liberty in a Republic for which we stand One Nation Under God. Our Truth and our Liberty cannot be stopped at the School House because of the Local or Federal Government imposed separation of Church and State. No Height nor depth can separate a person from the love of God.
The Supreme Court has ruled in Favor of a Moment of Silence and our American Heritage. God Bless America Land that I love stand beside her and guide her through the night from the light from above. Our currency which we educate our children to earn says IN GOD WE TRUST.
A Petition for Referendum Questions on the General Election Ballot
In November 2014
1. Do you as a citizen of the United States of America want to end the Mandate Of States to impose the Theory of Evolution as the only scientific explanation for the origin of mankind and the universe in our Public Schools, allowing The Academic Freedom to discuss other Theories and equal access for new scientific discovers in Intelligent Design and the Big Bang Theory in agreement with our State Constitutions and our United States Constitution where we are grateful to Almighty God, looking towards Him for a blessing, and where we are created and endowed equally by our Creator? Yes or No.
The End The Theory of Evolution as the only Truth of Origin petition to US Senate and the House of Representatives was written by HEART OF FLORIDA MINISTRY and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.