#Civil Rights
State of West Virginia Parole Board
United States of America

A female inmate in the West Virginia Correctional system has been denied her basic human rights. Tammy Wilson has been incarcerated for over 20 years, beyond the average for similar crimes. The Justice system must be evenly administered for all. After over two decades, Tammy remains incarcerated while others with similar sentences are paroled when they have served the same or less time.

There is clear and compelling reason to reassign custody of Tammy Wilson to the State Parole System. Tammy has an impeccable rehabilitation record; she has attended classes, programs and courses too numerous to mention which can be made available upon request. She has obtained her Associates Degree, participated in numerous charity functions, volunteered at every opportunity to help others and participated in the Pilot Puppy Program, a program that allows offenders a year with a puppy to train social skills for a Seeing Eye dog. Tammy’s personal development and rehabilitation demonstrates that she presents no danger to the society.

Her continued incarceration in no way serves the public good. What does it say of our belief in our rehabilitation methods if this individual remains incarcerated after completing all the programs required of her.

We the undersigned respectfully call upon the State of West Virginia, the State Parole Board director and the Governor of West Virginia to end the incarceration of Tammy Wilson, a female inmate at Lakin Correctional Center in West Columbia, WV. We ask that fair consideration of parole be granted free of influence or interference by private interest.

We are agreed that Mrs. Tammy Wilson should be allowed to obtain parole in demonstration that our justice system is for all, not just the chosen few.

The Free Tammy Wilson petition to State of West Virginia Parole Board was written by TMR and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Free Tammy Wilson