- Target:
- Canadian Government
- Region:
- Canada
On Friday, 19 September08, the Canadian government said it would send $4,000,000 in aid to Cuba for hurricane relief. Half of it will be given to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The other half will be given to the Cuba Community Development Fund which will distribute funds for relief and reconstruction to local Cuban organisations.
I would like to extend my heartfelt "thank you" to all who have signed this petition and who support its cause. Hopefully, the lives of the Cuban people will be made better by our government's contribution to hurricane relief. The petition will be printed and forwarded to Minister Beverly J. Oda at the Canadian government's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT).
Le 19 septembre dernier, le gouvernement Canadien annonçait son intention d'envoyer la somme de 400 000 $ pour venir en aide à Cuba durement frappé par les ouragans successifs des dernières semaines. La moitié de cette somme sera versée à la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge. L'autre moitiée sera remise au Fonds de développement communautaire de Cuba qui se chargera de redistribuer les fonds aux organisations locales impliquées dans la phase de récupération et de reconstruction du pays.
Thus far, there has been no word from the Canadian government that we Canadians are, or will be, sending humanitarian aid to Cuba to help those in need.
Farming, tobacco growing areas, as well as cities and people's homes have suffered much destruction.
Les signataires de la présente pétition prient le gouvernement canadien de faire preuve de solidarité et de venir en aide à la population de Cuba, notre voisin et ami, qui coup sur coup, vient de subir les ravages de deux ouragans majeurs ayant détruit sur leur passage plusieurs habitations ainsi que de nombreuses récoltes en zones agricoles.
We, the undersigned, call on the Canadian government to step up and help our neighbor, business partner and our friends in Cuba who are suffering from the destruction of two hurricanes.
Farming and tobacco producing areas have been destroyed and people have lost their homes.
The Hurricane Aid for Cuba petition to Canadian Government was written by Anonymous and is in the category Government at GoPetition.