- Target:
- Visitors Of JenniferLopez.com
- Region:
- Website:
- jenniferlopez.com
This petition is now closed.
This petition is started because Jennifer Lopez's official website [http://jenniferlopez.com] seriously needs some changes.
The site was perfect during the On The Six era, but times have changed. Since a few years the site rarely gets updated on a regulary basis.
I think that an official website has to offer regulary updates and not one stupid update in three months or 6 months... And the biggest thing happening is when a new album comes out, and the site gets a new look, but after that, the site rarely get's updated!
We want Jennifer to write a message to her fans now and then, we want to know what projects are happening, when will she appear somewhere like an award show, when will there be contests etc, etc.
Seriously Jen, you owe it to your fans to keep us updated with a good site, even the fansites out there are better then the official site. Take an example to the following, often updated, official sites;
Please join this Petition if you feel the same about Jennifer's official website. If the petition seems to go very well, we'll contact both Epic & Sony to see what they have to say about this.
The JenniferLopez.com (Official Site) Sucks!! petition to Visitors Of JenniferLopez.com was written by Anonymous and is in the category Music at GoPetition.