Keep Scottsdale Closed Petition
- Daniel Geraci
- Closed on

- Target:
- Residents of Block House Creek only
- Region:
- United States of America
Thanks for signing the petition
Join us to say “NO” to opening Scottsdale!
On Wednesday, April 25th, the BHC MUD Board voted against opening up Scottsdale Road to Hwy. 183-A by sending a resolution to the City of Cedar Park and Williamson County offices, stating to vacate their right-away to the MUD. Since this time, a small number of Block House Creek residents decided to re-open the issue and ask BHC residents to sign a petition to open Scottsdale.
Our opinion to this is that we to want another alternative road opened within Block House Creek, but not for the safety of our children and the peace of our neighborhood. We believe, in time, Block House Creek Road makes the most sense to open up rather than Scottsdale. There are no houses that face the road, only fences.
We are asking you to join fellow neighbors that will be directly affected by the opening of Scottsdale Rd. to access 183A and say "NO" by signing this online petition.
Harm that will potentially come with opening Scottsdale:
1. Serious injury or a death of a child or pedestrians
walking or riding their bikes along Scottsdale.
2. High speed drivers exiting 183A onto Scottsdale from 60+ MPH onto a 25 MPH zone.
3. Accidents with residents cars when they’re backing out of their driveways onto Scottsdale.
4. Accidents with residents who are trying to get their mail from the mailboxes built on Scottsdale.
5. Accidents involving school children who are getting on/off of school buses at 2 corners on Scottsdale.
6. Two homes on Scottsdale potentially losing their home and/or yard, which will put those families in a financial bind.
7. Increase in traffic from non-residents cutting through Block House Creek to get to Horizon Park, Ridgewood and also to get to their homes that are across 183, by using our main exit.
8. Ruin the quality of life that we have living on and near Scottsdale.
9. The value of our homes (that are specifically on or right off of Scottsdale) will potentially go down because our driveways will be difficult to get in and out of, drive by traffic will be heavy, front yards will no longer be family friendly and our once peaceful area would be filled with traffic and back-ups.
10. Increase in crime rate and access for DWI drivers to drive right past our homes
Please help our families by signing our Petition AGAINST extending Scottsdale Drive onto HWY. 183A! Thank you!
If you would like to help us in the fight to keep our families safe and choose a better solution, please let your voice be heard by:
1. Call or email our County Commissioner Cynthia Long at 260-4280 or to let your feelings be known
2. Participate in the online survey on the BHC Owners Association at
We sincerely thank you for your support in helping us maintain our quality of life and the safety of our families!
We, the residents of Block House Creek, who reside within the boundaries of Block House Municipal Utility District, petition to Williamson County, CTRMA, and the City of Cedar Park, to tender our request AGAINST extending Scottsdale Drive onto Hwy 183-A.
The Keep Scottsdale Closed Petition petition to Residents of Block House Creek only was written by Daniel Geraci and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.