- Target:
- Concerned Maltese in Malta and abroad, tourists and foreign nationals working or living in Malta.
- Region:
- Malta
Thank you to all those who signed this petition.
One of Malta’s most attractive points is the relative safety in which we go about our daily lives. Up to recently, Maltese nationals and foreigners residing in Malta alike, all went about their daily lives, knowing that they live in a safe environment.
No one ever thought that in Malta you could get mugged in your own street, just outside your own home! What has this country come to? Have we fallen in love with the EU to the extent that we want our crime levels to mirror those of most states?
A friend of mine moved to Malta recently as “it is a safe place to bring up your children”! At this rate, if the authorities do nothing about it, these lovely words will carry no more weight!
Are the respective authorities on the ball on this subject? Should we revert to Neighbourhood Watch in highly sensitive villages and towns, to tackle this issue? What are we waiting for? Some real serious accident to happen, perhaps? An over-protective parent or boyfriend, acting impulsively to save their valuables, ending up seriously injured at the hands of these criminals?
To Prime Minister Gonzi and the Commissioner of Police.
The quality of life of our community depends on the safety of our loved ones. If we lose our serenity, our lifestyle will change for ever!! It is the responsibility of the governing state to ensure that this does not happen.
Which is why we ask you, Honourable Prime Minister, to increase the presence of the police force on the streets and in the villages, not just to give fines for erratic and careless driving or parking, but to make our streets and homes safe again.
The Let’s make sure Malta stays a safe country! petition to Concerned Maltese in Malta and abroad, tourists and foreign nationals working or living in Malta. was written by Jean Paul Barthet and is in the category National Affairs at GoPetition.