- Target:
- Bridgend County Borough Council
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.bridgend.gov.uk
This petition is now closed.
Reference: P/12/55/TPN. Installation of a 15 metre telefonica O2 telecommunications column with 6 No. antennae & ground based cabinet ont he highway verge between Aldenham Road and Bridgend Road.
Petition to stop the erection of this mast. This mast:
* Would devalue property to a researched rate of 25% or make it unsalable.
* Would have an industrial appearance in a residential area.
* Would be visually obtrusive and ruin the character of the neighbourhood.
* Would be twice the height of the nearest tree and tower above the roofline of the street by some 5 metres, drastically affecting the skyline.
* Would add to the existing telephone mast on the verge and be an eyesore.
* Would cast an unwanted shadow over neighboring property and the surrounding natural vegetation.
* Would interfere with the roots of the surrounding trees.
* Would damage the character and quaintness of the village of Newton.
* Would emit microwaves and a low energy noise and therefore noise pollution which has known public health issues.
* Has already been refused erection in a minimum of 2 locations in Newton.
We, the undersigned, call on Bridgend County Borough Council to oppose and reject this application. Reference: P/12/55/TPN.
The Newton residents against phone mast petition to Bridgend County Borough Council was written by Haydn Thomas and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.