- Target:
- Richard Wills, Lincolnshire County Council and The Rt. Hon. John Hayes MP
- Region:
- United Kingdom
Thanks to everyone who signed and supported this campaign.
There is currently an inadequate and dangerous pedestrian crossing provision joining Boston Road North and Boston Road South, across the A17.
This crossing point is used by pedestrians of all ages, schoolchildren and adults alike, who need to cross the A17 in order to access services, facilities and transport links in Holbeach town centre; shops, buses, doctors, dentist, churches, schools, work etc. Likewise, pedestrians need to cross the A17 from Boston Road South to get to Holbeach Hospital and the food processing factory.
This is an inherently dangerous road to cross with the current crossing provision. The main reasons it is so dangerous are:
• Impaired sight-lines for motorists and pedestrians
• Fast moving traffic in both directions, with dual lanes on the Eastbound carriageway
• Pedestrians are exposed and vulnerable in the central island
• Traffic rarely indicates when turning left from Boston Road South onto the Westbound A17
• There is no signposting to indicate pedestrians crossing
• Vehicles often use the right turn only lane on the Eastbound carriageway to overtake at speed on the roundabout
• The volume of traffic will be increased past this crossing point when Peppermint Junction is developed
I contacted the Council, formally requesting an assessment and for a Signal-Controlled Crossing to be put at the Boston Road /A17 crossing, as there will be a significant increase in traffic when the Peppermint Junction improvement work is completed. Indeed the main purpose of the improved Peppermint Junction is to reduce accidents there at the current ‘T’ junction arrangement and to increase traffic flow via a roundabout, particularly HGVs, onto the A17 towards the crossing point at Boston Road.
I have received a letter via The Rt. Hon. John Hayes MP from Richard Wills, Executive Director for Environment & Economy of Lincolnshire County Council, which states “that an assessment has been carried out to determine whether the provision of a pedestrian crossing at the Boston Road / A17 junction meets the current Lincolnshire County Council criteria. The assessment meets the criteria but at present no funds are available for the provision of new pedestrian crossings.”
The Holbeach West Proposed Residential Development and A17 / A151 Peppermint Junction Scheme seems to be purely interested in new housing and improved transport links for HGVs and has no consideration for existing residents and pedestrians who need to continue crossing the A17 as part of their daily lives. The Council and developers are at risk of just moving one ill-conceived, dangerous and outdated road junction by creating another accident black-spot a bit further down the road at Boston Road.
I am requesting your support to gain the provision and inclusion of a crossing at Boston Road / A17 as part of the Peppermint Junction improvements, before a fatality happens.
We the undersigned, call on Richard Wills, Executive Director for Environment & Economy, Lincolnshire County Council and The Rt. Hon. John Hayes MP to provide a suitable pedestrian crossing across the A17, located between Peppermint Junction and Boston Road, as part of and simultaneously with the Peppermint Junction improvement scheme.
The Pedestrian Crossing Across A17 At Boston Road, Holbeach petition to Richard Wills, Lincolnshire County Council and The Rt. Hon. John Hayes MP was written by Paula Hayes and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.