Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile and UNESCO

For Deutch, Español, Francais, Italiano, Nederlands – see below!

For detailed scientifically supportive information and legal documentation, please contact leoatacama at egmguard-stuff@yahoo.com

The Tatio Geysers in the Atacama desert of northern Chile are an extraordinary natural phenomenon. At 4320 m above sea level, in the driest desert of the world, the Tatio Geysers are a sanctuary for varied ecosystems with highly specialized plant and animal life, equipped to deal with extreme conditions. Interesting for geology, hydrology, biology and scientifically fascinating: a touristic and cultural treat. Ancient human settlements of Altiplano indigenous culture benefit from life that finds is source here.

Under the pretext of generating geothermic electricity, near-by mining companies will start deep perforation to take the water from the geysers next year. They have no right: authorization was obtained with partial and insufficient data. This is in infraction of many rights such as indigenous community rights to ancestral grounds and the decree on depletion of northern Chilean rivers, among others.

Authorities have been shown the irreparable damage to plant, animal and human life, based on scientific research by on-site specialists and the experience of other geysers extinguished while exploring. Despite warnings and consistent opposition by indigenous and other community groups to protect this reservoir, politicians seem to only support a warped possibility of reducing operating costs at Chuquicamata copper mine by contributing 1% to its energy resources, and extracting water for new mining processes.

Join us in opposing the irresponsible deep perforation project and stop it before the Tatio Geysers are destroyed.

DEUTSCH: Bitte helft uns die Tatio Geysieren im norden von Chile zu schuetzen. Die Kupfermine von Chuquicamata will geo-termisches Eletrizitaet aufziehen, dadurch wereden sie dem Geysier das Wasser entnehmen. Dieser magisch schoener, fuer Indigene heilige Ort ist ein Wildschutzgebiet fuer viele Lebensformen die in einer extraemen Umgebung ueberleben gelernt haben, und somit gefaehrdet sind.

ESPANOL: Los geysers del Tatio son un fenómeno extraordinario de la naturaleza, que produce un paisaje de impresionante belleza, y da vida a variados ecosistemas con especies especializadas para desarrollarse bajo condiciones extremas. Una zona relevante geológico, hidrológico, biológico, de interés científico, además de turístico y cultural. Las emprezas geotermicas quieren hacer perforaciones profundas y sacar las aguas sagradas de los indigenos, para reducir costos de producción, aportando en un 1% a sus requerimientos energéticos, para, a la vez, extraer el agua para nuevos procesos mineros. Paramos éste proyecto para que los Geysers del Tatio non sean solo un recuerdo!

FRANCAIS: Aidez a protéger les geysers du Tatio dans le nord du Chili. C’est un phénomène merveilleux et beau, d’intérêt culturel, hydrologique, biologique et scientifique, un lieu saint des indigènes et un écosystème unique pour des formes de vie qui sont adaptées à survivre dans des conditions extrêmes. Les compagnies de mines de cuivre perforeront a profondeur illégalement pour générer de l’électricité et enlever l’eau pour ses processus industriels.

ITALIANO: Aiutaci a protegere i geyser del Tatio, un fenomeno unico nel norte di Cile, che e’ sorgente per molte forme di vita. Un posto bellissimo da visitare, un santuario per sistemi ecologici specializzati nella sopravivenza in condizioni estremi; e’ sacro per gli indigeni del deserto di Atacama. Le minerie cominceranno a perforare a profundita’, per generare elettricita’ e, piu importante, per togliere l’acqua. Distruggera’ i geyser.

NEDERLANDS: Help ons de Tatio geysers in de droogste woestijn ter wereld (noord Chili) te beschermen! Een uniek ecosysteem voor vele levensvormen gespecialiseerd het overleven in extreme omstandigheden, een heilige plek voor de inheemse bevolking en een prachtig mooie plek om te bezoeken. Stop het onverantwoorde project van de kopermijn die op illegale wijze zal aanboren tegen protest van vele groepen, om geo-thermische electriciteit op te wekken en het water te gebruiken voor mijnprocessen.

We, the undersigned, call on the President of Chile and on the UNESCO to stop the geo-thermal project by the mining companies that involves deep perforation and extraction of water from the Tatio Geysers high in the world's driest place, the Atacama desert of northern Chile.

The Save Tatio Geysers from deep perforation project! petition to Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile and UNESCO was written by leoatacama and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.