- Target:
- President of the United States; United States House of Representatives; United States Senate
- Region:
- United States of America
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Year after year, The People's Right to Bear Arms enshrined in the 2nd Amendment finds itself under attack from both gun control advocates and politicians. These attacks on our God-given Right to Bear Arms often masquerade as increasingly complex background check provisions necessary to protect the public from violent criminals when in fact they are taxation gimmicks and firearm registration schemes designed to allow the Federal Government to maintain a database of gun owners.
Simple semi-automatic firearms are vilified as being “assault weapons” because of their outward appearance and magazine capacity. This absurd characterization of so-called assault weapons not only leads to them eventually being banned, but also emboldens gun control proponents to push for further needless and costly regulation and unconstitutional infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights.
A 2015 report titled “Sources of guns to dangerous people: What we learn by asking them” conducted by experts from Duke University, NBER, University of Chicago Crime Lab and the University of Chicago have revealed that gun shops and gun shows are not the source for guns used by criminals, stated as such in the report’s conclusion: "it is rare for offenders to buy from licensed dealers, and also rare for them to steal their guns. Rather, the predominant sources of guns to offenders are family, acquaintances, fellow gang members — which is to say, members of their social network". Why then do we see this constant attack on our 2nd Amendment Rights in the form of elaborate background check requirements for private firearm transfers at gun shows, restrictions on “assault weapons” and even restricting certain types of ammunition?
If all of the previous was not ridiculous enough, it gets even worse. The same politicians who are tireless advocates for gun control have, since 1992, blocked the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives from spending ANY of its budget on granting law-abiding citizens relief from firearm disability. That’s right! The Federal law enforcement organization entrusted to enforce the Gun Control Act of 1968 is DENIED the ability to use its budget to process Applications for Restoration of Firearms Privileges -- even though it is allowed under the Gun Control Act! This is an inconceivable attack on the 2nd Amendment! Anyone attempting to obtain online the appropriate form to restore their firearm privileges is greeted with the following message:
“Effective immediately, ATF is no longer making the Application for Restoration of Firearms Privileges (ATF Form 3210.1) available on the website due to Congressional appropriation restrictions that have been in effect since October 1992.”
Enough is enough! It is time to teach Congress that they are not above the law. It is time for Congress to learn that they work for The People. It is time for Congress to accept that they are there to support our existing laws and to end their petty attempts to stop our government from working for Americans and our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms.
We, the undersigned, call on The President of the United States, the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate to protect the 2nd Amendment Rights of all Americans and end congressional appropriation restrictions on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives which prevent it from processing Applications for Restoration of Firearms Privileges.
The Sign The Petition: Protect Our 2nd Amendment Right To Bear Arms petition to President of the United States; United States House of Representatives; United States Senate was written by Jason Blair and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.