- Target:
- Hong Kong Citizens
- Region:
- Hong Kong
- Website:
- christians4ecoconcern.blogspot.com
Thanks to everyone who signed and supported this campaign.
為響應前美國副總統戈爾先生(Al GORE), SOS 及 Avaaz.org 等機構號召世人去對抗氣候變暖的危機,香港「基督徒環保關注組」決定於網上及2007年7月7日所舉辦的2場「活力地球好約會」聚會中,收集簽名聯署致香港政府的聲明,以提醒及支持香港政府要立即和堅決地展開消弭氣候變暖的危機!
致香港特區政府 環境局局長 邱騰華先生:
世界各地有很多科學家和領袖都指出,地球暖化是一個迫在眉睫的危機!我們懇請 閣下立即以堅決和與世界各地配合的共同行動來消弭相關的危機;閣下作為香港特區的環境局局長,我們認為您特別需要跟珠江三角洲的領袖和中央人民政府的領袖合作來解決氣候變暖的危機,我們謹此承諾會支持港府的相關努力,並會以公民身分盡力參與解決問題。
(The following is an English translation of the Petition above)
To: Edward Yau, Secretary for the Environment, Government of The HKSAR
Dear Sir,
As informed by many scientists and leaders worldwide, climate change is an imminent threat facing our world today. We urge you to tackle the said problem now, decisively and together with other leaders of the world, especially those in the Pearl River Delta and the central leaders of Peoples’ Republic of China. We promise to join our efforts as citizens of HKSAR with yours.
Convener: Christians for Eco-concern
The 呼籲香港特區政府立即行動,來抗拒氣候變暖 petition to Hong Kong Citizens was written by Howard Lai and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.