For years Glasgow Celtic and its supporters have been found guilty by association due to Rangers Football Club and their… read more
An introduction to Uyghurs and their motherland, East Turkistan (look)
The riots starting in London and across the UK are due to opportunistic criminals who are an embarrassment to our… read more
I was banned twice from League of Legends, the Moba game, for being a toxic player and not reforming. I… read more
There is League Championship Series in the United States of America, Europe and Asia but no similar competitions in Africa.… read more
Professional football has become America's Game. America's Game is regulated, controlled and promoted by the National Football League (NFL). The… read more
Shaco is just not really viable as an assassin anymore, He was too strong as a bruiser so Riot nerfed… read more
Riot is just about to rework Irelia, but some Irelia Mains (myself included) don´t want that to happen. So why… read more
The champs he has created are the most cancerous of the bunch. For example : zoe, darius, zyra, and yasuo.… read more
An Open Letter to the Boulder City Council in Response to the March 6th Riots Dear City Council Members &… read more