Nov 18, 2004 We believe that Pre-Marital Counseling should be mandatory before any marriage in the State of California. We… read more
The current plan to help the environment, the Forest Plan Amendment, is actually destroying the habitats endangered species depend upon,… read more
June 2, 2006 This petition is aimed at incarcerating two dangerous pedophiles in riverside county, california. The riverside sheriff, san… read more
June 2, 2006 This petition is aimed at the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issuing an Executive Order to Prosecute Two Dangerous… read more
It is high time for quality affordable health care for all Californians.
read more Save Cal Grants Cal Grants are awarded to older, low-income and higher acheiving students who are returning to school. The new budget proposals… read more Stop California's Budget Cuts People around California are losing their jobs. Why? These budget cuts are meant to save money that are supposed to… read more
Cal Grants are awarded to older, low-income and higher acheiving students who are returning to school. The new budget proposals… read more
People around California are losing their jobs. Why? These budget cuts are meant to save money that are supposed to… read more