The original Grand Theft Auto trilogy—GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas—is considered a cornerstone of modern gaming. These iconic… read more
Мы, сообщество преданных игроков MMORPG Blood and Soul, обращаемся с просьбой к разработчикам, издателям и потенциальным инвесторам рассмотреть возможность возрождения… read more
In lieu of recent complaints, Niantic has implemented a ban wave targeting those who use third-party apps for game enhancement.… read more
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron released on August 21, 2012 to critical acclaim. I recently played this gem and realized that… read more
Note! This petition seeks your INGAME NAME. Please feel feee to make your personal information anonymous. Note 2: Your email… read more
South Africa is a very competitive country when it comes to E-Sports and gaming. We participate in many titles and… read more
All started with Runeterra's map udated, Marc Merill asked on Twitter if a MMORPG based on League of Legends Universe… read more
The Fortnite community wants Epic Games to set a level limit for each mission. For example, no level 50 players… read more
This petition is created due to the banning of Roblox In the U.A.E. Roblox is multiplayer platform where you can… read more
Information: It came to my notice as a Team manager that Riot (Oceania Only) is not letting Teams that… read more