بعد أكثر من خمسة عقودٍ من الطغيان والقمع الوحشيّ والفساد، سقط النظام الأسديّ مُخلّفاً تركةً ثقيلةً من الدمار الماديّ والمعنويّ،… read more
The people of Azawad are suffering from harsh humanitarian conditions that include forced displacement, severe human rights violations, and deliberate… read more
GeoEngineering is a well documented, well funded, reckless & arrogant tampering with Nature. Current NH law allows for this activity… read more
Antisemitism is a growing concern worldwide. Since the October 7 massacre in Israel, incidents of antisemitism have increased by 400%… read more
Corporations have been wrongfully declaring their workers as "employees" under the IRS Code despite not meeting the definition in the… read more
The Kashmir dispute has been dominating the India-Pakistan relationship ever since the birth of the two states in 1947. It… read more
The world and America are full of Agencies and task forces. DEA, ATF, DHS, TSA, FAA, and the list goes… read more
Το ΔΙΚΤΥΟ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΑΓΙΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗΣ Μετά την πρόσφατη νομοθέτηση της νέας Ρυθμιστικής Αρχής για την Διαχείριση του Νερού, της Ενέργειας… read more
More than 90 nations, including some in our hemisphere, now permit their expatriates to cast ballots, which has had a… read more
Bhim Rudan: March for Untouchability-free India Ahmedabad to Delhi, August 1st to 7th 2022 Please support the march and sign… read more