- Target:
- Arizona Corporation Commission, Utilities Division, Line Site Committee
- Region:
- United States of America
This petition is to the Arizona Corporation Commission regarding Unisource's proposed 230kV Transmission Line through Golden Valley, Arizona.
We are asking the Arizona Corporation Commission to look at alternative routes to the ones proposed by Unisource and Transcon.
Your Committee is the determining agency, for routes of transmission lines in excess of 115kv, (Law 1971, Ch. 67, § 1). Unisource and their agent, Transcon, originally proposed two tentative routes for their transmission line, “A”,& “B”.
Both of these proposed routes would have significant impact on “private property”. Transcon held two public information forums early in the process, February and March stating that one of the two routes would be determined as the final route. The residents and land owners of the area, became extremely concerned and held their own meetings, forming a committee of their own; Golden Valley Public Awareness Team (GVPAT), which currently has more than concerned members.
Through a series of meetings, the public determined that Unisource proposed routes “A” & “B” were not acceptable. Working with the Bureau of Land Management and Transcon, routes “A” and “B” were said to be removed from consideration by Transcon representative, Mike Warner. GVPAT, volunteers, and professional consultants created alternative routes, “D”, “D1”, “E” and “E1”, which were presented to Transcon and the BLM, for discussion. Through the process of more open meetings of GVPAT, and closed meetings, at which both Transcon and the BLM were participants.
It was determined that routes “E” and “E1”, were not viable due to the direct involvement of “private property: and cost factors, for “E” and the inability of the project to secure, by any means, use of railroad property for “E1”. This left two publicly acceptable routes,: “D” which would involve encroachments on a number of private landowner/residents, and “D1” that would impact only commercial properties, where power line right of way line already exist. The commercial properties indicated through their agent, that they had no objection to the “D1”, and right-of-way expansion.
Unisource, Transcon, and Mineral Park Mines, presented three open public forums presenting routes “C”, “D”, and “D1”, as part of the BLM Scoping Hearings, which involved routes on the east (Kingman) and west (Golden Valley) sides of the Cerbat Mountains. No further public involvement has been allowed, or requested, while the Scoping Study was and continues to be under review. It is to our knowledge that the route “A”, which was originally said to be no longer a viable route, is now back under consideration and review at this time.
We, GVPAT, therefore respectfully request that the Arizona Corporation Commission, Utilities Division, Line Site Committee consider the new route that goes along the east (Kingman) side of the Cerbat Mountains/recreational area as our choice. Also, before reviewing any applications by Unisource, Transcon (agents) or Mineral Park Mines for a determination of Line Site, please make sure that they comply with all the required federal and state statutes, necessary prior to submission to the Line Site Committee.
Respectfully submitted by the landowners, residents, business, concerned individuals, and groups or entities.
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The 230kV Transmission Line Golden Valley, Arizona petition to Arizona Corporation Commission, Utilities Division, Line Site Committee was written by GVPAT and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.