Sport Minister

Since the A-league was first introduced into the Football scene, it's broadcasting has been dominated pay TV companies. This has effectively ceased any progress the World Game may have had in reaching the standard of opportunity, popularity and grandeur it has in the rest of the world.

This is not just doing damage to the credibility of the sport, but is hindering the true Australian spirit from embracing the sport that is Football. Remember the World Cup of 2006, remember the mark we made on the world, and remember that we, as Australians, can do even better.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Minister of Sport and any related department, group, or organization to ensure that the broadcasting of the A-League and any International Cups featuring Australian teams, be on free to air television.

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The A-League for free Air TV petition to Sport Minister was written by A. League and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

soccer football a-league