- Target:
- European Union, United Nations, Unicef, United States, Canada, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Brazil
- Region:
- Website:
- www.colombiasoyyo.org
It is foolish to think that through more hatred and polarization our country will be free from the violence caused by the guerrillas, paramilitaries and the government oppression.
We should explore on alternatives for peace for all, not for "freedom" for some sectors only.
Thank you for your support.
ESTANO ES UNA MARCHA POR LA VIDA/ THIS NOT A WALK FOR LIFE, READ:[ 01/30/2008] [ Fuente: Tejido de Comunicación para la Verdad y la Vida ] [ Autor: ACIN] http://www.nasaacin.org/noticias.htm?x=7003
A million voices against FARC.
We need our voices to be heard. Let’s not be silent anymore, let the world hear us; let every guerrilla man or woman hear us: We repel FARC - EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army). We DON’T want more armed fight.
FARC have deceived the world once again by not freeing the thousands of kidnapped people they have kept captive for almost a decade now, recurring one more time to all kinds of tricks and evasive lies.
Kidnapping is the worst of acts against human dignity, and FARC have kidnapped and kept captive thousands of people over the last years, while they keep growing their drug production and drug traffic business, perpetrating all kinds of crimes and terrorist attacks against people, bringing poverty and misery to our country, which has suffered this plague and humanitarian tragedy for more than forty years now.
Colombia, Colombians, friends from all over the world, let’s unite to shout loudly:
Let’s commit ourselves to join a million voices in this group so we can make a difference, and let the entire world know that we don’t need that “People’s Army” here in Colombia; that FARC is a terrorist group, led by murderers and enemies of the Colombian and World’s People.
This is a cause beyond all political interests or colors. It’s a humanitarian cause, encouraged by a simple sense of solidarity, for the sake and welfare of our citizens.
Join us; We need our voices to be heard.
A million voices against FARC.
Thank you for your support.
The A Million Voices Against FARC petition to European Union, United Nations, Unicef, United States, Canada, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Brazil was written by Anonymous and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.