- Target:
- All Branches and Officials of the U.S. Federal Government
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.jeffhead.com
In establishing this Republic, our forefathers taught that man made institutions have no authority to grant or deny that which has been endowed upon us by God. They taught that unalienable rights are thus given to mankind by God, the Creator, and that governments exist not to grant or deny these rights, but to protect them. They stated that when these rights are abused, that it becomes necessary in the course of human events from time to time for a people to dissolve themselves from the political bonds that hold them. They recognized and warned that a overburdensome central government could become too strong and they went to great lengths to ensure that a system was established that was checked within itself by a balance of powers. This system was also the agent of sovereign states that made up the union. This was to ensure that the federal government did not,
"usurp from the States all government in little as in great things, when all government shall be drawn to Washington as the center of power it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as oppressive as the government from which we separated." Thomas Jefferson.
Such times are upon us. The original Constitution of this Republic, and its intent, has been so grossly misrepresented, misinterpreted and wrested that it is scarcely recognizable. Professional politicians, who have made careers and fortunes out of public service have, in many cases, sold out the interests to the United States to foreign powers and financial interests and their organizations. In other cases, they have usurped and wrested the interests of this people and their liberties on behalf of their own personal ideologies, vain ambitions and carnal appetities. Thereby, the very purpose of the system established by our forefathers (to protect each citizen's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness) is being abjectly corrupted.
As a result, we reaffirm the following to be self evident :
That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form most likely to effect their safety and happiness. When a long train of abuses, usurpations, cover-ups and mis-appropriations, pursuing invariably the same object depicts a design to reduce the people to despotism, to the rule of tyrants, it is the right of the people, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.
We are at such a point and juncture in the history of this Republic. The forces moving us toward totalitarianism compel us to reaffirm the constitutional intent of our forefathers and therefore disassociate ourselves from the usurpations, misappropriations, misinterpretations, corruption and humanism which infects our government's elected and appointed officials, and return our government to the more limited form our forefathers established and intended. The recent history of the federal government is one of repeated injury and usurpation leading to totalitarianism.
To illustrate this, let the following list of conditions speak for themselves : Officials of the federal government (elected and appointed) have :
- Colluded among themselves to spend citizen monies to buy firearms which they then illegally and intentionally sold to foreign drug cartels and other criminals in order for these weapons to be used against American citizens so these same politicians and officials could then call for further restrictions on gun ownership by law-abiding citizens.
- Covered up the murder and death of US Law Enforcement Officers which resulted from the just aforementioned issue.
- Created laws, signed executive directives and orders, and established secret courts and approvals for monitoring, searching, and seizing virtually all citizen's private communications and personal interactions and other effects, thereby violating the Constitituion.
- Utilized the tax collection agency of government to harass US citizens and their lawful organizations, and to infringe upon their rights based upon their political affiliations and then harassed these same citizens when they took issue with the infringements.
- Colluded with terrorist enemies of this country and then covered up that collusion when it resulted in Amerian interests and consulates being attacked which resulted in the deaths of our Ambassador, State Department personnel, and US Navy Seals who attempted to defend them.
- Abjectly lied to the American people and the entire world about the cause of the just aformentioned attacks and deaths of American citizens in order to avoid negatively impacting their chances for re-election.
- Created laws and agencies which regularly infringe on and deny the property rights of American citizens for frivolous and ill-defined reasons.
- Created a multitude of laws and agencies which regularly infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms in direct violation of the Constitution.
- Created multitudenous laws, agencies, and initiatives which have the object of, and in fact do, redistribute the wealth of private citizens in the name of social restructuring, which has been established by the very politicans and officials carrying out the redistribution, with the aim wagin class warefare on the citizens of this nation, thereby further violating the Constitution.
- Undermined our sovereignty by signing treaties allowing arbitration of U.S. citizens' rights and American soveriegnty by foreign nations and organizations.
- Been unduly influenced by "special interests" and "lobbyist" who buy votes to pass laws oriented towards those interests and not in the common good.
- Created "acts" establishing an unconstitutional framework of "Emergency Powers" and "Executive Orders" which are dictatorial in nature.
- Maintained a state of emergency since 1933, enabling the aforementioned Powers and Orders which hang over the head of this people, and which at any time can be implemented establishing complete dictatorial rule over the people.
- Established a privately owned, central bank that regulates the monetary system of this Republic, in violation of the Constitution.
- Served baseless warrants on, brought siege to, bombed, burned and killed citizens, covering up the same and allowing the guilty to go unpunished.
- Weakened the free market through excessive regulation and out and out government take over of Agriculture, Manufacturing, Finance, Communications and Transportation.
- Dictated to property owners who they can and cannot sell to and excessively taxed capitol gains from such sales in violation of the Constitution.
- Created a system of state schools for our children which feed upon the political interests of those in power, who would re-educate the youth of this nation in a fashion in keeping with their class warfare, Godless, and Socialistic designs.
- Supported the said "state" schools through unconstitutional federal governmental agencies and reapportioned federal funds.
- Denied our American heritage by declaring it unconstitutional to teach in schools the values upon which this Republic was founded and upon which its liberty rests.
- Dictated who employers may hire, how much to pay and the conditions in the work place, further weakening the free market and violating the rights of those citizen business owners.
- Destroyed the initiative of large portions of the citizenry by maintaining a decadent, fraudulent, social welfare system whereby people are paid not to work by politicians who take this wealth from those who do work, and entice those they ensnare into these programs to vote for them in perpetuity. They do this in order to mainatian their power and their golas of fundamentally changing this Republic.
- Destroyed the wellspring of tranquillity in our society by legalizing and supporting the wanton and horrific killing of unborn children, thereby officially violating the Constitution by denying them their very right to life.
- Utilized citizen tax monies to fund base pornography and depictions of decrepit practices in the name of a so-called Academy of the Arts, further undermining and destroying ther fundamental moral values upon which this Republic rests.
- Made a mockery of criminal justice by supporting supposed criminal rights over the rights of the injured.
- Colluded with the Main Stream Media outletsmedia, which are owned by the principals of the central bank, to keep these truths away from the American citizenry.
- Colluded with foreign and domestic bodies, whose represent the power brokers in both major political parties, the principals in the central bank, and the owners and operators of the so-called Man Stream Media, to enact laws, regulations, policies and agencies in pursuit of their primary goal which is the establishment of world governance thereby destroying the soveriegnty and liberty of this Republic.
In short, through this long list of abuses, and many more too numerous to list, the officials within our own government, both elected and appointed, have placed this Republic on the road to totalitarianism in a Marxist or Fascist form, pursuing invariably the object of the overthrow of our republican system and its attending free market.
In every stage of these injustices, American citizens who have petitioned for redress or sought to expose the above stated injuries and designs have been answered by repeated injury, slander, criminalization, imprisonment and death.
A governing body whose character is thus so patently marked by every act that would define tyranny is unfit to rule a free people.
Some may argue that these actions have been taken by "duly elected" or appointed officials on behalf of the people. To this we say that no individual, no official or governing body, who have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same (which all of these officials have done) has the authority to alter or change the express directives of that constitution, except by means provided for within the constitution itself which is the Amendment process. Changes in the name of "States of Emergency", "Executive Orders", "Treaties", "Initiatives", "Acts", "Proclamation", "Presidential Directives", "Strategic Alliances" or any other avenue outside of constitutional amendment, properly ratified by the people of the several States, represent a violation of their oath of office and establishes any and all of those so involved as enemies of "We the People."
It is therefore apparent, that without immediate reversals of these abuses, infringements, and encroachments on the rights and liberties of the people of this Republic, that the time is short before our recourse must be either to resort to the measures our founding fathers took to establish this nation, or lose our liberties and way of life, if not our very life.
We therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge for the rectitude of our intentions, do solemnly resolve on our sacred honor, as loyal and God-fearing Americans, to immediately stand for liberty and our way of life.
We the People of this Republic DEMAND:
- The immediate establishment of independent councils by the House of Representatives to completely investigate the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, PRISM, and other scandalous activities by this government in order to identify the criminal activities of those involved and bring them to justice.
- That the War Powers Act, the Emergency Powers Act, and the Federal Reserve Act be declared unconsitituional, nullified and/or abolished.
- That all Executive Orders which carry the force of law over the citizens of this nation who are not Execuitive Branch employees be nullified and abolished.
- The immeidate cancellation of the perpetual "National Emergency" maintained by Executive Order.
- That all Acts and Agencies derived from the War Powers Act, Emergency Powers Act, Federal Reserve Act, or Executive Orders carrying the force of law over the citizens of this nation who are not Execuitive Branch employees be immediately dissovled, defunded, and shut down.
- The immediate removal of the United States from the foreign body known as the "United Nations".
- An immeidate end to all funding to all United Nations programs.
- An immediate nullification and abolishment of all Acts, and Legislation that in any way infring on the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
- An immediate nullification and abolishment of all Acts, Legislation and Federal Agencies that in any way exceed the powers described in the Constitution according to the 10th amendment.
- That all schooling and educational administtration, funding, and concerns be returned to the several states directly and that all federal involvement in the same cease.
- That all local government and educational institutions disavow the blackmail and social restructuring of federal funds.
- The restructuroing of the US Tax code, abolishing ther IRS, and establishing a constitutional flat income tax or consumer consumption tax on new goods that can be simply deducted at the point of sale or withheld from pay depending on the tax, and not to exceed 10% in any case, with no loop holes and no deducations.
We further urge all American Citizens to become self sufficient as individuals, as families, as localities, as counties, and as States. We further urge all liberty-loving citizens to prepare, with God's help, to ensure that these measures are adopted and put into law. Excepting this, all God-fearing, liberty-loving Americans dedicated to protecting and defending the Constitution and bearing true faith and allegiance to the same should prepare themselves to take the same course of action that our forefathers took in fighting tyranny, if they would preserve liberty and its attendant blessings for future generations.
We pledge our lives and our sacred honor to do all within our power to ensure that these measures are adopted and put into law, and that the efforts requisite to establish them and thus restore our Constitutional Republic and the Constitution & Bill of Rights which define it, are completely and fully carried out.
May Providence smile down upon and bless our efforts, even as he blessed the founders of this nation in their struggle, to overcome the tyranny of their day, which tyranny is inconsequential when compared to the God of this land, the Almighty Creator, who has granted to us our liberty and in whose hands we commit our efforts.
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The A Modern American Declaration of Liberty petition to All Branches and Officials of the U.S. Federal Government was written by Jeff Head and is in the category Patriotism at GoPetition.