- Target:
- webmeowster@bonsaikitten,com
- Region:
- United States of America
Bonsai Kittens is a technique where small kittens are put into jars to create a new form. They stick these small helpless animals into jars when they do not have a definate shape and when they come out months later they can me molded into new forms.
Bonsai kittens says "Cube Kitty makes an ideal toy for children of all ages, from infant and up, and while still in the containment vessel can even double as playroom furniture!" This is cruelty to animals and should be stopped.
Being in a small jar is like being in prison for a crime you dident commit. Please sign this to stop the horrible act.
By signing this, i am participating in the act to stop Bonsai kittens because of this cruelty to animals.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Abolish Pets in a bottle- Bonsai kittens petition to webmeowster@bonsaikitten,com was written by Jessica Andres and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.