- Target:
- to allow piercings to be shown
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
I myself do not have any piercings on my body, besides in my ears, but as i look around a lot of the student body have them, and teachers are hassling students to take them out and or be sent to in-house or the office for further discipline. To me, this is a much bigger distraction, than having the piercings themselves. But what doesn't make any sense is that recently, tattoos were recently allowed to be shown, and not covered up.
I myself think that the piercing rule should have been revoked before the tattoo rule was.
We, the undersigned, call upon the school district of grand island to abolish the rule of not being able to wear/show piercings other then in the ears.
Students should have to right to pierce their facial features if so desired. Please restore this right and let the students of the Grand Island Senior High School show their individuality in a safe non-destructive way, by allowing them the freedom to pierce their bodies without the fear of prosecution.
It's self expression, and should be allowed by the student body so that they have their own sense of individuality.
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The Abolish the piercing policy in Grand Island Senoir High petition to to allow piercings to be shown was written by Megan and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.