
Pauline, who first appeared in Donkey Kong in 1981, was the first damsel in distress and Mario's original love interest. She has appeared in the 1994 Donkey Kong remake for the Game Boy and has making appearances in the recent Mario Vs. Donkey Kong series.

Although she has appeared many times, she has never been a playable character in the Donkey Kong series nor has she been a playable character in any Mario spin-off game.

I am asking for Nintendo to include Pauline in Mario Kart 8 as a newcomer. I'm sure she would make an excellent addition to the roster and will finally give her a chance to finally be in the spotlight to be recognized by Mario fans old and new.

I have also recently created a fan page to help promote my cause and help my petition acquire more signatures. If you are a fellow Pauline fan, please go give the page a like and spread the word about this page to other fellow Pauline fans!

Here is the link to the Pauline fan page.


We, the undersigned, call on Nintendo to include Pauline in Mario Kart 8.

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The Add Pauline as a new playable racer for Mario Kart 8 petition to Nintendo was written by Kevin Avila and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

nintendo mario kart 8 pauline