- Target:
- Cyngor Wrecsam / Wrexham County Borough Council
- Region:
- Wales
Mae galw cynnyddol am addysg Gymraeg yn Wrecsam a galwn ar y Cyngor i asesu'r galw at y dyfodol drwy gynnal arolwg tebyg i un yn 2007, pan holwyd rhieni plant dwyflwydd oedd yn y sir. Dangosodd hyn y byddai 44% yn danfon eu plant i ysgol Gymraeg pe bai o fewn dwy filltir i'r cartref. O ganlyniad codwyd Ysgol Bro Alun er mwyn ateb y galw ond bellach mae hwn yn llawn.
There is growing demand for Welsh-medium education in Wrexham and we call on the Council to assess future demand by conducting a survey similar to that in 2007, when parents of two-year-old children in the county were questioned. This showed that 44% of parents would send their children to a Welsh-medium school if it was within two miles of their home. As a result Ysgol Bro Alun was built to accommodate the demand but it is now already oversubscribed.
Galwn ar Gyngor Wrecsam i gynnal arolwg o rieni efo plant dwyflwydd oed er mwyn asesu'r galw am addysg Gymraeg yn y sir.
We, the undersigned, call on Wrexham County Borough Council to undertake a survey of parents with two-year-old children to assess demand for Welsh-medium education in the county.
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The Addysg Gymraeg yn Wrecsam / Welsh-medium education in Wrexham petition to Cyngor Wrecsam / Wrexham County Borough Council was written by Marc Jones and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.