Trinity Lutheran College
United States of America

The students at Trinity Lutheran College are not going to accept professors with syllabus' that don't outline all the assignments that are required to complete the course successfully anymore.

TLC is an emerging institution in the academic world and is starting make itself known in its athletic programs, also through its published academic works and through principal of what Trinity stands for. When we as students paid to attend Trinity Lutheran College; it was in hearts and in our minds that we were expecting academic excellence. We expect a high level of expertise in a professor’s academic field and responsibility on the behalf of full-time faculty and associate faculty to engage students, challenge students and to help students reach their academic goals.

The natural earth science class feels strongly that the work that has been assigned throughout the spring semester of 2011 has been done recklessly without considering a students need to plan and prepare mentally for assignments that would be required to successfully complete the course. There has been no standard guild-lines given to the students as to what will be expected them only until the professor "feels" like assigning students a project or homework. It was the final straw when students for the earth science class were expected to fit a final exam that consist of a writing requirement of a minimum 5 pages in total half inch margins single spaced 10pt font. That is a total of 12 pages double spaced with 1 inch margins.

This assignment is 3 pages research, 1 page SLP evaluation, and 1 page on a reflection of the course. It should be noted that this is a 200 level class. It should also be noted that this was assigned at 11:59pm via email to students on May 12th. This assignment is due on May 19th at midnight. This was assigned during finals for students in the heat of everything that is happening for students. And as students we believe this is absolutely wrong to expect students to do well, with thoughtful research and application.

This final assignment has been assigned as a final. It should be no longer than 2 hours because it is stated as a final. But this assignment will take a student going fast 5 hours at their fastest, but what kind of quality is that? This is not academic excellence, this is not Trinity.

We the Students of the natural earth science in spring semester of 2011 feel that this final assignment should not be required for students to complete but on a voluntary basis for extra credit.

We want the school to highly consider reviewing this teaching method and require professors to clearly state what will be required of students to complete the course successfully in the course syllabus given at the beginning of the term when the class is taken, we understand a teacher holds the right to alter the syllabus at anytime but what if there is nothing to alter in the first place.

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The Against Trinity Earth Science Course Final petition to Trinity Lutheran College was written by Trinity Students and is in the category Education at GoPetition.