- Target:
- United States, Nicaragua
- Region:
- Nicaragua
- Website:
- nicaraguanreport.com
Since Daniel Ortega’s election in 2006, Nicaragua has strengthened its relationship with Iran, dismantled democratic institutions and imposed party controlled neighborhood committees that will lead to clientelism.
Ortega formed an pact with Arnoldo Aleman, the ex President of Nicaragua and leader of the Liberal Party who serves a criminal sentence under house arrest for corrupt practices. These two strongmen control the legislative branch, the electoral authority, the judicial branch and the national police. Through their control of these institutions, Ortega has postponed elections in the Atlantic coast (afro-decedent and indigenous communities) and canceled the legal standing of two opposition parties (Sandinista Renovation Movement and the Conservative Party).
Ortega intends to change the constitution to solidify his power for longer than currently allowed. With approval rates below 20%, Ortega will have to do so through undemocratic methods.
The U.S. has pledged 175 million dollars for five years since 2005 through the Millennium Challenge Corporation with the condition that Nicaragua fight corruption and strengthen its democracy: Areas that the current Nicaraguan administration is running to the ground.
In the final analysis, a pertinent question should be made: what is the US$175 million offered by the U.S. for five years compared to US$520 million that Hugo Chavez has given to Daniel Ortega and US$250 million that Iran has pledged to Nicaragua. As they say on the street: money talks and “blip blip” walks.
However, far from sending blank checks to Nicaragua, as concerned Americans we should try to be engaged in the process. I propose that you join me in writing to our congresspersons.
You can look up your congresspersons' info here:
http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home/ (enter zip code in left side search box)
This site gives you all your elected reps, state and federal.
I recommend that you write handwritten letters, not emails, because they have far greater impact. Write to the DISTRICT office, not to Washington, so it arrives in time (DC mail is held a month for security). Write to House of Representatives AND Senators.
For background information on Nicaragua, please find the most recent article in The Economist: http://www.economist.com/world/la/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11497005,
the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/04/world/americas/04nicaragua.html?_r=1&scp=18&sq=nicaragua&st=cse&oref=slogin,
and The Nicaraguan Report: www.nicaraguanreport.com
Honorable Senators/Representatives
In November 2006, 38 percent of the Nicaraguan electorate voted for a leader who claimed to have changed his ways. However, since Ortega’s election, Nicaragua has strengthened its relationship with Iran, dismantled democratic institutions, imposed party controlled neighborhood committees that will lead to clientelism, canceled elections in the Atlantic coast, and intends to change the constitution to solidify his power for longer than currently allowed.
The U.S. has pledged 175 million dollars for five years since 2005 through the Millennium Challenge Corporation with the condition that Nicaragua fight corruption and strengthen its democracy: Areas that the current Nicaraguan administration is running to the ground.
Understandably, foreign policy and engagement is meant to set its sight for the long-term and have the recipients of the aid in mind. I trust that you will be analyzing and weighing the merits of providing assistance to an administration that accuses the U.S. government of financing a destabilization campaign in Nicaragua and calls the U.S. imperialists Yankees. If that is Ortega’s rhetoric, how can Americans be sure that the aid reaches the most vulnerable segments in Nicaragua?
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The Americans for Democracy & Transparency in Nicaragua petition to United States, Nicaragua was written by Alfredo Rivas and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.