- Target:
- Africa
- Region:
- Website:
AfricaRastasMovement Letter to the {Africa Religious peoples}
(Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Sabbatarians).
We invite you to come and join us {Spiritual people}, in Worshipping of (JAH,God,Allah) in Truth and Spirit.
We testified that JAH is only One worthy to be Worshipped.
We believe in all Allah prophets.
We accept Jesus son of blessed Mary to be Christ (the Messiah), spoken by all the Prophets.
We believe in God first.
Africa second, and Religion last.
We deposes every political and Religious orders that permits Black against Black DISCRIMINATION.
It will be of good interest for our Community (African) that you accept our invitation.
Allah loves Community that love one another.
Know that we (Rastas) are true believers of Oneness of JAH.
Ras Dominic Chima Ntodonke.
-servant of JAH-apostle of Christ Jesus-Emperor Selassie1 frontline Battle Commander-5*.
AfricaRastasMovement Call on {Africa Religious peoples}
(Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Sabbatarians).
to join us to ask (AU) to make it lawful for Africans to deposes every political and Religious orders that permits Black against Black DISCRIMINATION.
and to make it Criminal offense
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Black on Black DISCRIMINATION AN OFFENSE petition to Africa was written by and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.