BLOCK the QLD bill that seeks to exclude unvaccinated children from childcare & kindy

- Target:
- The QLD Government
- Region:
- Australia
The QLD government is seeking to exclude non-vaccinated children from daycare, familycare and kindergarten placements. They are also seeking to remove the previously known religious and objection concientious forms. A public hearing is to be held in Brisbane August 21. NSW passed legislation last month for the same amendment (religious and objection concientious forms are still ok).
We are not supportive of any moves to exclude any unvaccinated child in QLD from any childcare, daycare, family care centre placement or kindergarten. We are also not supportive of any moves to remove the religious and Conscientious Objection form exemption from this bill.
It is our job to parent in alignment with our practicing values and principals in accordance with the Australian Law. It is an invasion and intrusion for the government to insist we vaccinate our children in order for them to receive childcare and kindergarten education. We believe that vaccination is a medically invasive and experimental procedure. While we support the Australian government in promoting medically safe and sound procedures we believe that using mandatory measures for forcing vaccination upon children is a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Article 1 states that consent should be voluntary and allow for “free power of choice without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.” Article 6 states, “the degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.” Article 7 states, “Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death”.
• It is my will to block the Public Health (Exclusion of Unvaccinated Children from Child Care) Amendment Bill 2013.
• It is my will that the Australian government stop using the Australian children as guinea pigs for vaccines that have been poorly tested (in time and procedure) and only by those industries that make them and sell them
• It is my will that every child in Australia be given the opportunity for childcare centre, day-care centre, family care placement and kindergarten regardless of being vaccinated or not vaccinated. (To do so any different is discrimination)
• It is my will to ensure that parents remain responsible for the health choices of their children without the manipulation and input of marketing companies and industries
• It is my will that Centrelink, Medicare, doctors and other institutions not attempt to coerce parents into vaccinating their children when it is against their will
• It is my will that doctors explain in great detail the additives and toxic substances that are included in each and every vaccine on the Australian market – when vaccinating a child
• It is my will that parliament continue to include the religious exemptions and conscientious form exemptions for choosing to not have a child vaccinated.
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The BLOCK the QLD bill that seeks to exclude unvaccinated children from childcare & kindy petition to The QLD Government was written by Petition to block the QLD bill and is in the category Health at GoPetition.