- Target:
- Think Flash Abu Dhabi
- Region:
- United Arab Emirates
Please sign this petition to bring A Day To Remember, All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd and You Me At Six to Dubai!
If you are a fan or if you just like their music, please do sign this petition.
A Day To Remember: http://adtr.com/
All Time Low: http://www.alltimelowband.com/
We Are The In Crowd: http://wearetheincrowd.com/
You Me At Six: http://www.youmeatsix.co.uk/
Come one, come all! Let's scream our lungs out! Aren't you sick of all the pressure? We're just wasting time. I'll never let the two of us be friends if you don't sign this petition.
Let's bring them here!
Please do spread the word and sign the petition!
I know you want this as much as my friends and I do~
Help us so we can help you. (:
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Bring ADTR, ATL, WATIC & YMAS to thr United Arab Emirates! petition to Think Flash Abu Dhabi was written by Jaren and is in the category Music at GoPetition.