Gearbox Software

Everyone has a right to what they want to say. Video game characters, at times, don't. In Borderlands 2, Krieg, the Psycho class, is able to light himself on fire, which can do different things. With the Raving Retribution skill unlocked, taking damage from enemies will launch homing balls of fire at said enemies. Being the Psycho of the group, when this skill activates, Krieg used to yell out long voice lines to accompany his craziness, which were often times strange and humorous. Many players, however, didn't think so. Normally, players have the option to turn off voications of their characters, but with Krieg's Raving Retribution lines, this could not be done, as they were glitched. Gearbox Software "fixed" this problem by removing the lines altogether. Now, the lines, in all their glory, never play. In many opinions, this was an incredibly lazy move on Gearbox's part.

We, the undersigned, request that the lines that used to be said during Krieg's Raving Retribution skill be returned to the game, preferably fixed so they can be turned off by the players that wish them to be turned off. In many ways, they were great lines that were as much a part of Krieg as mask on his face.

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The Bring back Krieg's Raving Retribution lines in Borderlands 2 petition to Gearbox Software was written by Kade S and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.