
MGM made terrible mistake when created evil Asgards in epizodes of stargate Atlantis (first contact, lost tribe). It's been huge shock for fans. All Asgard fans hope, you're gonna fix it. We wanna back Thor, Freyr, Hermiod etc. Do it your way. It doesn't matter how, but do it.

There are some ideas: Asgards gave everything they had to Tau'ri. Technology, history, language as well as consciousness of every known asgard. With the help of Pegasus asgards, who fixed genetic degradation Tau'ri save the ''old'' Asgards.

Due to their technological prowess, the Asgard are critical allies in Earth's fight against the Goa'uld, and later the Ori.

We the undersigned wanna back friendly Asgards. We the fans do not wanna depreciate the storyline of Stargate.

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The Bring back "old" friendly Asgards petition to MGM was written by Jack Gladen and is in the category Television at GoPetition.