- Target:
- Oddworld Inhabitants
- Region:
- United States of America
There is a game called OddWorld: Stranger who showed us an awesome world with a marvellous game mechanic. You can use ammo from your environment, make tactics to capture your enemies and practically earn a living as a bounty hunter. Everything in the game was perfect.
The problem was it was only shown on the XBOX. Before that, the OddWorld games were usually played on the PlayStation and PS fans loved the franchaise. Now the games collection can and will never be complete without Stranger. If OddWorld Inhabitants would have any sense at all, they would do the PS fans proud and adapt OddWorld: Stranger to the PS2 and PS3 with no questions asked. Owners of the PS2 will rejoice and the version on the PS3 will look even better on the PS3. They must carefully adapt the game to these platforms and do what must be done to attract players to the game(better graphics, extra content, adaptable controls, that kind of thing).
The president of OddWorld Inhabitants must find it in his heart and bring the game to the PlayStation, for it is one of the best games the world has ever seen. And if anything else, they can adapt it to the PSN.
We, the undersigned, call on OddWorld Inhabitants to bring and update OddWorld: Stranger to the PS2 and PS3 for all your loyal fans and new players alike.
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The Bring OddWorld: Stranger to the PS2 and PS3 petition to Oddworld Inhabitants was written by Adrian Alan Bullock and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.