Donald Trump, Republican Party
United States of America

The 45th President Donald John Trump and the Republican Party insinuated my democratic vote would be fraudulent during the entire 2020 campaign and have continued to demean my vote since the duly elected President, Joe Biden took office. They have presented no evidence to support this claim, yet continue to question my validity as an American. Court ruling after court ruling has refuted their claim s yet these parties persist in this act of defamation

I am a Democrat who has been accused of registering a fraudulent ballot by former president Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
The accusation is baseless and the damage to my personal dignity, is leaving me compelled to seek restitution in the form of complete disavowal of their bogus claim or prove that claim as a defendant vs Democratic voters.. I am certain the entire Democratic voters bloc feels this way, and I intend to offer membership to this petition to seek redress

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The Bring suit against the Republican Party and its members petition to Donald Trump, Republican Party was written by Peter Sorensen and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.