- Target:
- Channel Nine
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- channelnine.ninemsn.com.au
Are you a fan of fiction shows like Dark Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Gargoyles. Are you tired of turning on your TV and finding those shows replaced with more popular shows such as House, Smallvile or American Idol.
Well here is your chance to bring a more desirable breed of television show back to the Australian airwaves. X-men: Evolution was an animated series that initially aired on Channel Nine in 2000 but was cancelled after around 4 episodes. Consequently only the first season was ever available on DVD.
X-men: Evolution follows the exploits of a group of mutants who, as a result of evolution and various other phenomena and events, are endowed with superhuman powers such as telekinesis. They are led by Professor Xavier who mentors them in the responsibilities that come with there gifts and later opens the Xavier Institute to help mutants control there sometimes troublesome gifts, all in his efforts to promote a peaceful co-existence between homo-sapiens and mutants.
X_men: Evolution is set in the past tense of the orginal X-men aniamted series. Therefor, in this particular incarnation many of the X-men are teenagers who, for the most part of the show, live in a social climate where most homo-sapiens are unaware of the existence of mutants. This changes in season three when mutants become exposed and are met with fear and persecution from a mostly ignorant populous.
The main characters include Jean Grey, Evan Daniels (also known as Spyke) and Nightcrawler. Characters from the orginal animated series such as Logan, Storm and Rogue also make an appearance. The main villains included Magneto, The Brotherhood, Mystique and of course, humans.
While this show wasn’t perfect and was cheesy at times I’m sure many fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gargoyles will agree that unlike modern television shows X-men Evolution possesed a good central concept and many original and inventive ideas. If you’re like me and the recent X-men movies have disillusioned you from the entire X-men franchise then I urge you to give this show a chance and watch some of the better episodes such as Mutant Crush and X23.
By signing this petition you can not only help bring season one and three of X-men Evolution to Channel Nine, but can also encourage Warner Home Entertainment to make those seasons available on DVD. Thank you for your time.
We, the undersigned, urge the Nine Network to air the first three seasons of X-men Evolution and, if possible, support and participate in any effort to bring those seasons to DVD.
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The Bring X-men: Evolution to Australia petition to Channel Nine was written by hummingbird and is in the category Television at GoPetition.