BMX Riders

I am Kevin, a BMX rider from Singapore. I am currently studying in Hillgrove Secondary School and having my "N" Level this year.

I also came from a poor family and my mom is sick when I was in primary school. I came across to BMX in secondary school when I was in Secondary 2. Some of my friends had an accident due to the flat ground and dangerous sharp concrete.

In Singapore, there is quite a small number of skatepark which is make out of concrete which often injured riders especially those who are beginner in BMX because they do not have the courage to play due to the concrete.

As you know, if you fall, concrete will usually leave bruising or bleeding. So I hope people will sign this petition because it will definitely benefit a lot of people in Singapore!

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The Build a skatepark that is made out of wood instead of concrete! petition to BMX Riders was written by Kevin Tan and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.