- Target:
- BYU Idaho Housing Office
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www2.byui.edu
My name is Anna and I am creating this petition to change school policy at BYUI to allow all students in need of a service or emotional support animal to live with that animal while attending school.
I recently received a prescription from my doctor for an emotional support animal so I could take my cat with me to college. I have dealt with crippling panic attacks my whole life and with work, school, and a father dying of cancer, there is more stress in my life than ever before. Within minutes of moving in to my BYUI approved apartment, the housing office was breathing down my neck and saying the cat could not even spend the night with me. This petition is to change all of that. Students at BYUI do not have a choice where they live. I, as a student, must live in BYUI approved housing. The choice to simply find a house or apartment complex that allows pets is not open to me. My wish, therefore, is for BYUI housing regulations to be changed so they are in keeping with state and national law and allow service animals to remain with their owners. If you or someone you know has had to move or get rid of a service or emotional support animal because of unfair housing regulations, Sign our petition and let us know your story using the hashtag #BYUIserviceanimals.
We, the undersigned, call for a change in the enforcement of BYUI housing policy in regards to the Fair Housing Act (1968) which freely allows the use of service and emotional support animals. We insist that landlords of BYUI approved housing must comply with Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity laws as outlined by the BYUI housing office and without the use of fear tactics, eviction threats. We call for the abolishment of landlord interviews seeking proof of disabilities and establish that BYUI students with service and support animals should be allowed to live in any BYUI approved housing regardless of pet policies. We agree that the presentation of a signed doctor's note or prescription is sufficient evidence for the need of a service or support animal and that is a violation of tenant rights for landlords to seek further proof of disability .
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The BYU Service Animals petition to BYU Idaho Housing Office was written by Morgan Heeder and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.