- Target:
- bristol lea/cyps
- Region:
- United Kingdom
Hello, my name is Rob Tinkler and I have set up Facebook page ‘Local schools for local kids’ as a support group for parents unhappy with the places and schools that they have been offered in the local school admissions allocations.
On Friday 6th May 2011 we held a public meeting to discuss the matter and push for a solution by September’s entrance date.
In attendance were local councillors Jon Rogers, Gus Hoyt, Clare Campion- Smith and the council officer responsible for school admissions Mick Brannigan ( Service Manager; Capital, Assets and Access) as well as approximately 25 parents.
A lot of issues and possible solutions were discussed (I enclose a copy of the minutes from the meeting) the general consensus was that St. Werburghs and the local area needed another school in order to provide local schooling for local children.
to demand action from bristol lea to provide an additional reception class at st werburghs primary school and to provide 'local schools for local kids.
This affects this years entrants and children who will become school age in future years.
The key suggestions were as follows.
• Citing of a temporary classroom within the St Werburghs Site to house an extra reception
class entry, whilst a longer term solution is found.
• Use of St Matthias Pupil Referral Unit as overspill site for St Werburghs Primary School .
Is there a possibility that current PRU could be re-located to Old Fairfield site?
• Use of Old Fairfield Site – while a solution within St Werburghs would be the preferred option, this is a closer and much more suitable option than alternatives offered such as Glenfrome and Millponds primary schools;
• To help accommodate the transition. Staggering 2011/2012 intake into 2 stages Sept 2011
and Jan 2012 . Allowing children to remain in their current settings (this would mean liaising
with St Werburghs Park Nursery and BCC).
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Campaign for additional reception class for St. Werburghs by Sept 2011 petition to bristol lea/cyps was written by rob tinkler and is in the category Education at GoPetition.