- Target:
- Australian Labor Party
- Region:
- Australia
At present the legislation for 24 year olds to change over from youth allowance to austudy when they turn 25 is not available. Unfortunately centrelink representatives either give the wrong information or do not advise the 24 year old that if they start a uni/tafe course before they are 25 they will NOT be eligible for Austudy which can be $150+ extra for them as an independent student over 25. Therefore, the student will be on $240 a fortnight for the whole time they are studying, unless they change courses.
With the downturn of the economic crisis, it is HARD to find a part time/casual job for the 1-2 days available and some uni students are faving $300 a semester for books. The government need to change the legislation to what is happening with the economy.
If you have ever been persecuted by this issue, please sign this petition. I will be taking it to my local MP at Reynell, also forwarding it to Julia Gillard, Minister for Education and if need be, I will lobby it to the media.
This legislation needs to change, what the government is doing is unfair and unjust and we need YOUR help to get it changed!
We, the undersigned request the Australian Labor Party, the current Australian government, change the legislation regarding Centrelink youth allowance and austudy to make the transition easy and accessible to everyone.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Change Centrelink legislation for students 25 years old + petition to Australian Labor Party was written by Rachel Carger and is in the category Education at GoPetition.