- Target:
- City Of Orillia
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- www.city.orillia.on.ca
The City Of Orillia Needs To Change It's Dog Licence By-Law. The By-Law states that all dog owners in the City of Orillia must purchase a licence at The cost of $50.00, but between January 1 to May 31 of each year, the fee is $30, or if the dog has been spayed or neutered it is then $20. The licence is valid until December 31 of every year.
Not only does the dog owner have to pay for the Vaccinations every year, but they also have to pay for the Licence on top of that which is quite costly to the Dog owner. A one time fee should be sufficient enough to the City Of Orillia, permitting that the dog owners provide their dogs Rabies Vaccination forms to the City.
We are asking that the City Of Orillia reviews it's By-Law, and change the By-Law to a one time fee. They are asking for dog owners to provide paperwork to prove that all dogs in your household have their Rabies Vaccination each year. Once you provide your dogs vaccination information is when you have to pay the Licence fee.
We as the Citizens of Orillia, ask that the City Of Orillia change this fee to a one time fee of $50.00 until the dog is deceased. Once your dog has had it's Rabies vaccination you as a dog owner MUST turn in your dogs vaccination sheets that are provided by your Veterinarian after administration of the Vaccine each year. We agree on having the Dog Licence By-Law in place permitting that it is changed to a "life time" registration, not once a year.
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The Change City Of Orillia Dog Licensing Registration Fee petition to City Of Orillia was written by A and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.