- Target:
- The White House
- Region:
- United States of America
I would like to lower the drinking and driving law in all states. I would like to lower it to .04% BAC (Blood Alcohol Content).
I have seen many people die from drunk driving and it is time for it to end. Please help me make this a law. Thank you very much.
We, the udersigned, want to make the drinking and driving law throughout the United States of America .04%.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
20.00 USD
1 week
60.00 USD
3 weeks
100.00 USD
5 weeks
200.00 USD
10 weeks
500.00 USD
25 weeks
∗ Specials are listed in red
The Change drinking and driving laws to lower BAC (0.04%) petition to The White House was written by Kandin and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.