#Law Reform
Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Based on Ontario's Ministry of Transportation's website, taxicabs are exempt from the new child safety seat requirements.

Child safety seat and booster seat requirements are as follows: "Everyone including parents, grandparents, relatives or friends, who drives with a child under the age of 8 who weighs less than 36 kg (80 lb.) and stands less than 145 cm (4 ft. 9 in.) tall is required to ensure the child is properly secured in the appropriate child safety seat or booster seat based on his/her height and weight."

It has been proven that a properly used child safety seat or booster seat can reduce the likelihood of death or serious injury by as much as 75 per cent.

I am petitioning the mandatory use of child car/booster seats for all taxicabs.

We, the undersigned, request the Ontario Ministry of Transportation make the use of child car/booster seats mandatory in all taxicabs.

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The Child safety seat requirements in taxicabs petition to Ontario Ministry of Transportation was written by Kirsten Stevenson and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.