- Target:
- Yeronga State High School
- Region:
- Australia
Yeronga State High School, in the words of principle Terry Heath, "The best school in the universe" but is it really?
On a daily basis, most year 11 & 12 students are sent to the office, are handed razor sharp shavers and asked to clean shave their teenage facial hairs. In other cases, students under the age of 18 are:
• In a school filled with “safety of students”, students are forcefully signed out of school with no parental permission and told to go home (location of homes are not cared for even if it is very far) and are to return with a clean shaven face.
• Told that they are "not allowed" to be in school because of their facial hair. like really?
• Pulled out of valuable class time and told to shave
A group of friends and myself went around the school and asked students on their thoughts of this issue and found that students were:
• Uncomfortable with the way they looked
• BULLIED due to their “baby look” by students and TEACHERS
• Female groups were scared that students are walking around with harmful objects (razors)
• Some with thoughts of leaving the school
• Not wanting to come to school
• Aggressive of having to travel all the way home and back
• Aggressive that their manhood cannot be expressed and or shown
• Aggressive due to the fact that this only applies for students – this brings me to the next topic.
why should students have to shave whereas teachers are allowed to grow and teach with full beards? There is no equality at all and also teachers that have been asked have called the principle “stupid” for this rule (their names will not be stated for their privacy).
just to add on, a student in year 10 has pulled out a weapon in which he said he made from the razor he found in the boys bathroom, how exciting.
We as students actually want to make Yeronga “The best school in the universe” by altering and eliminate issues little by little but we cannot do it alone. We have made and handed out an In school petition which shows 87 students agree to a change in this policy and now we would like to hear the voices of public
Also be free to send an email to the principle in regards to this,
Mr Terry Heath - principal@yerongashs.eq.edu.au
Please and thank you,
From the behalf of Year 11 and 12 students.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Comfertability In Our Own Skin petition to Yeronga State High School was written by Damian and is in the category Education at GoPetition.