- Target:
- Home Minister
- Region:
- Malaysia
- Website:
- wan-derkind.blogspot.com
Dear Friends,
I would like to put an end to begging. I always wonder who these people are and how my money is going to be spent: Will it be used to pay for administration or directly in the helping of the needy? How will I know that this person is legitimate? As I ponder these questions, I feel pressured to give and when you give in doubt, you are insincere. Thus making the donation less altruistic than it should be.
I hate stealing of any kind, it robs you not only of material possessions but casts a shadowy cloud over humanity. It taketh away the sense of justice and mercy that the virtuous act of giving is supposed to uphold.
I have heard rumours of syndicates who use the disabled to arouse sympathy, of miscreants who feign incapacity to collect donations and of organisations who are fronts of criminal activity under the guise of religiousity and charity that fool the public. I have personally experienced individuals seeking donations who have been ‘endorsed’ by a letter from some authority. I often wondered why the government issue out such letters claiming the authenticity of these fund raisers, when tax payers have already contributed precisely to manage their welfare.
Therefore, I would like to put forward a programme to eliminate this potential menace by requesting:
1. The government to publicise its welfare programmes and encourage those who wish to help the needy nominate the candidate through proper channels.
2. The establishment of a Charities Commission to oversee the management of charity organisation and those seeking to solicit funds from the public.
3. To make public the names of all tax-exempt charity organisations and their Board of Directors. This task should be handled by a separate organisation (I dub it Charities Exchange) under the purview of the Home Ministry. Its function is to mirror Bursa Malaysia of maintaining adequate disclosure and accountability of the highest order.
4. To cease and desist of issuing of letters on government stationery purporting to allow and support individuals to collect funds from the public.
5. The establishment of policies and rules for soliciting donations.
6. To criminalise panhandling and begging.
I believe this is an issue of great concern to our national security. If you support the same, please sign the attached petition.
We, the undersigned, petition for the formation of a Charities Commission and a Charities Exchange and a more transparent philanthropic society culminating in the criminalizing and end of begging and pan-handling.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Criminalize Begging and Panhandling in Malaysia petition to Home Minister was written by Wan Azhar and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.