Daisaku Ikeada

I have been studying buddhism for modern living for about two years. It has changed my life and helped me to be more involved in world peace.

After learning the history of what Daisaku Ikeda has done to achieve world peace and spread this practice throughout the world it is a privilege to write this petition.

He should be recognized as a leader in helping people reach their highest potential and helping them find happiness in their lives. Therefore helping them to want peace in and outside of their lives.

The Soka Gakkai International would like to nominate Daisaku Ikeda for the noble peace prize. He is the President of Soka Gakkai International which leads to helping people achieve their highest potential and teaches people buddhism for modern living. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

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The Daisaku Ikeda should be recognized as a leader in helping people reach their highest potential petition to Daisaku Ikeada was written by Yoshiaki Yoshinari and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.