- Target:
- City of Davao
- Region:
- Philippines
The City of Davao decided for recreational establishments to close EXACTLY at 2am. No ifs, no buts, no maybes, just close at that time. Now, as much as we all know the public reason behind this, I do not understand why it has to be implemented so rigidly.
Maybe our city administration has their own reason to protect us from ourselves, but I'm not so sure if there's a need to mention that businesses and investments will take a slow death over this one, and I'm not just talking about bars, pubs and whatnot. Believe it or not, business from other industries will take a toll as well.
In a general sense, let me put it out that I know entrepreneurs and corporate officers who have skipped the city over another simply because of our dying nightlife (and it is daunting to promote the city's nightlife when it's close to non-existent). It may sound silly but if you can only see the bigger scope of it, you would think twice before having this rule implemented. Of course, matters like this are usually undiscussed by stakeholders because of the topic's silly, childish nature (maybe discussed better in a pub even,) but it is only natural for everyone to want to take a break after a hard day's work. Take that privilege away from them, and it's going to be as dull as a ditchwater for them.
I'm having a feeling, however, that even if people put out a counter-paper for this, they will not be listened to. I really believe the city has its own reasons, which I'm hoping are good and justifiable, which we cannot comprehend at the moment. Because really, this mandate will be the absolute death of our tourism industry, among others.
On a personal note, I give up promoting the city's nightlife to anyone. Maybe it's really high time to invest our nightlife in IGACOS, no?
Thanks to Angel :)
We, the undersigned, call on the City Administration of Davao to allow all recreation Establishments to run their business on their own chance and risk for 24/7 in their own will.
To secure the safety in the City implement a NO WEAPONS policy (guns, knifes and others) 24/7 in Davao City.
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The Davao City - Dying nightlife: Change city ordinances petition to City of Davao was written by Hans Tuchel and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.