- Target:
- US Citizens
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- nationalkingdomcouncil.org
From October 11th through 17th, 2020, the National Kingdom Council convened to stand in the divine council of God, discern His will for the United States of America at this time as He explicitly expressed it in the Bible and specifically revealed it to us through His Holy Spirit and to record His will in the form of the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America. We convened each night, for these 7 consecutive nights for 3 hours each night, to pray together, share revelation we have received from God and capture His revealed will for this nation. We are a diverse group of citizens of the United States of America, some by birth and some by naturalization. However, we are also citizens of the Kingdom of God, called to unite in His purposes and reveal His standards to our nation. We have created the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America, which can be read in its entirety at https://nationalkingdomcouncil.org/ or a video of it being read in its entirety may be viewed at that site. As citizens of the United States of America, we ask you to petition our national leaders to review the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America, repent for the sins of this nation and make changes in national policies that God's Kingdom standards require (as detailed in the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America). Sign the petition here!
We, the undersigned citizens of the United States of America, call on the leaders of this nation to do the following:
1) review the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America, and read it in its entirety or view the video of it being read in its entirety at https://nationalkingdomcouncil.org/,
2) repent before God for the sins of this nation listed in the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America, and
3) make changes in national policies that God's Kingdom standards require (as detailed in the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America).
We have all read the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America in its entirety or viewed the video of it being read in its entirety, and we will hold ourselves and our leaders to God's Kingdom standards for this nation, as they are revealed in the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America.
As citizens of the United States of American and citizens of the Kingdom of God, we, the undersigned, will no longer allow ourselves to be divided by politics, race, gender, ethnicity, ideology and denominations, because these divisions have only served to distract us from clearly sharing the standards of God for this nation, which are found in the Holy Bible, the Word of God. The Bible is an instruction manual for our individual lives and governing our nations, as none of us has enough information or experience to make the best choices for ourselves, our relationships and our society apart from God. In fact, our lives were not designed to be lived separated from God. Hence, Kingdom standards in the Bible are for all people all over the world in all eras of human history. However, the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America specifically applies God's Kingdom standards for the United States of America at this time.
We, the undersigned, will no longer allow ourselves to be divided into political parties or ideological camps, because we choose to unite as Kingdom citizens and stand for God’s will in this nation, regardless of who is executing God’s will. We will also speak out when God’s standards are broken and stand against those who oppose God’s will and seek to destroy our nation, regardless of their identity. We will inform our leaders and elected officials of the standards of the Kingdom of God, and we will hold them to these standards, as we hold ourselves to them as well..
We, the undersigned, do not stand in judgment of any human, however. As the Creator of all things, only God can judge people, and He will make a final judgment about every person who has ever lived at the end of this age. Our responsibility, though, is to judge the actions of humans, to include our own actions, by whether or not they adhere to or oppose the Kingdom standards of God. We must also judge human intentions and motivations to reveal whether they have been inspired by God or by Satan and other evil spirits—very real spiritual beings who seek to rob and destroy humans and attack all things that are healthy and productive for humanity. Satan and other evil spirits present themselves in many forms, even as gods, but their intentions toward humanity are always evil all the time.
The judgments made in the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America are all based on God’s Kingdom standards. Every human action falls into one of two categories—adhering to or opposing the Kingdom standards of God. Likewise, every human intention or motivation falls into one of two categories—inspired by God or inspired by Satan. As Kingdom ambassadors, we, the undersigned, choose to make clear distinctions between the two, to give our fellow countrymen and women the opportunity to choose for themselves whom they will serve in every decision that they make and to hold our national leaders accountable to God's Kingdom standards. As for each of us and our households, we will serve the Lord God. He demands exclusive worship to protect us from the destructive tactics of the Satan and other enemies of our souls. Thus, to choose to worship God alone leads us to life in every area for individuals and nations.
Our God cares about the lives of every American and the future of this nation as a whole. So do we! We, the undersigned, will no longer accept the lie that we must choose which groups of Americans and Kingdom-worthy causes we will support, because our national political structure will not allow us to simultaneously support them all. Our allegiance is first to the Kingdom of God and all of His standards, rather than to the flawed and limited political structures of people. The Kingdom of God does not lack resources, and God can supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory, as we support His standard completely and without compromise. Hence, we, the undersigned, have no need and accept no pressure to choose between groups of Americans and Kingdom-worthy causes. Additionally, our God is no respecter of persons, loving everyone equally without favoritism, and He does not have a hierarchy of sins. Everything that goes against His standard is sin, which leads to death in some form, and the consequences of sin are all devastating. For these reasons, the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America was compiled, and we, the undersigned, will hold our leaders and ourselves accountable to and for these standards.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for God’s people to disassociate from the political bonds which have caused division between citizens of God’s Kingdom and citizens of our nation, standing in the divine council of God requires that we should declare the causes which created the division and commit to being a unifying force working toward the dual and interconnected purposes of advancing God’s Kingdom and saving our nation.
We, the undersigned, hold these truths to be self-evident, that God gave both life and choice to all people, with the express intention of endowing us all with His creative ability to bring life and healing to other people, situations and the earth itself. However, the liberty we have to use this gift of choice often results in a selfish pursuit of pleasure and comfort that have released death, destruction and division into our nation.
We, the undersigned, respect the God-given right of every human to make his or her own choices. Yet, as God’s ambassadors on the earth, we urge our fellow countrymen, women and leaders, with every decision they make to choose life and healing. Hence, the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America reveals that which leads to life and healing in various areas of our shared human experience in this nation, as they relate to the following 7 issues:
• The Founding Documents of the United States of America (ie. the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights)
• Women’s Rights and Abortion,
• Family Values and Gay Rights,
• Race and Social Equality,
• Foreign Policy and Immigration,
• Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement, and
• Economics and Poverty.
We, the undersigned, humbly ask that our leaders and fellow countrymen and women read the entire Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America or view it being read in its entirety at https://nationalkingdomcouncil.org/ and consider its truths to bring life and healing to this nation, uniting us under God to provide liberty and justice for all. We have all read the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America in its entirety or viewed it being read in its entirety, and we will hold ourselves and our leaders to God's Kingdom standards, as they are revealed in the Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the United States of America.
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The Declaration of Kingdom Standards for the USA petition to US Citizens was written by Markita Brooks and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.